Potato-Brocoli.. Dull color but it's very delicious!


1st of all nak gtaw my lil boy dah 7month! Tak sangka dah 7 bln rupa- rupanya kami hidup bertiga and family semakin meriah =) Yang kelakar sekarang macam- macam cara kami buat untuk berinteraksi dengan baby Armand. nyanyi la, menari la..bercakap macam itik dan ayam la and so on..Armand tetap senyum and ketawa =)

So dah masuk 7 month, I introduce him new recipe. Maybe its late but better late daripada pelbagai penyakit datang kan? Resipi sangat mudah. Sama macam kita buat Potato- Carrot puree just different vege and air kene tambah sikit sebab brokoli ni kan lagi keras.


250g Potato
150g Brocoli
200ml air

Steam potato and brokoli around 30min.. Then blend! SOOOOO Easy!

Potato + Brokoli di steam

After blend..Color not really best kan =p

Keep the food in the baby cube + tommee tippee storage food..and put in the freezer..Nanti boleh panas guna warmer or microwave..

Life is so easy kan? Invest beli Avent Steam Blender but memudahkan kerja kita + boleh buat fresh homemade food..waka waka yeay eyay! Selamat Mencuba.. Nanti I upload reaction baby Armand makan Potato- Brokoli ni hihihi..


Tommee Tippee Storage Solid food


As what I post in my last post, Tommee Tippee memang my fav brand..beli blender Avent sebab Tommee Tippee takde blender =p

Cambesh tengok barang- barang Armand in same brand =p...So sangatla happy bila dapat semua storage food Tommee Tippee hihihi

Semua beli online kat Little Whiz website..
*so that daddy tak bising sebab dah terbeli online =p*

Rubber Bip..So tak perlu risau kalau tertumpah 
*malas berus baju kalau kotoq*

  Right: Travel set...every weekend kan kitorg slelau jalan- jalan hehe 
*alasan tuk hubby*
*as what I said b4..semua kne tersusun hihi*

Left: Storage food ala- ala Baby Cube

Actually I already bought cup for Lil Armand..Tp dia tak pandai guna..So have to train him start from beginning...This 5 ways cup memang useful + jimat!

I'm really happy tengok barang ni semua in same color! same brand! hihi..

Baby Cube!


Waa! dah lama tak update blog for my lil one.. Really busy this few weeks..Lot's of work and thing to do..

Alright..since I bought Avent Steam Blender (wah! asyik promo blender..no komisyen dr Avent occay!), my fren ask me, where i keep the food.. ker nk buat every day?

Owh no! for sure I cant do the food every day. Seriously mmg busy tahap gaban bila kita dah duduk d rumah sendiri n no maid. Skrg balik rumah kena jd Power Rangers untuk urus hal- hal kat rumah. Penat? For sure YES! but this my precious experience. Selalu bersyukur dan bermuhasabah diri, "tak semua ada anak.."..."tak semua orang akan kahwin".."tak semua ada rumah sendiri lepas kahwin"...But tipu setipu- tipunya takde dalam hati berkata "nk maid! penat!!!"..well, saya manusia biasa...hikhik!

So since ada Avent Blender ni..kita takde alasan TAKDE MASA nak buat baby food. You can keep in freezer a week malah a month! But taklah sampai takde masa sangat sampai nk buat sebulan sekali..So i always buat baby food for my lil boy atleast 4 hari sekali..Biar keep fresh and homemade food. Tak nak beli yg instant food @ dalam botol. I'm confident what I cook for my boy yang busyuk itu!

But again, I'm the person yang TERSUSUN. baby food, must keep in baby container. Pinggan mesti pinggan baby. Tak boleh letak dalam container even though it's Tupperware (mahal!)..haha..My husband dah faham sangat sifat pembaziran + tersusun saya ni. Other than that mesti barang Tommee Tippee hikhik..

So here it's...All the storage for my lil boy

Baby Cube...boley letak dalam freezer...


So puree yang dah ready tu boleh simpan dalam baby cube

Barang ni saya beli kat Poppies Kuching..RM29.90 or RM39.90..lupe dah!..But very useful..sbb kecik jer. kalau hantar Armand ke babysitter, just gives 2 perday..1 Carrot potato Puree for lunch..and another Epal@Pear Puree for Tea Break =)

For vege n fruit boleh tahan up to a month if tkde campur dengan susu..But i usually made his food up to 4-5 days jer..


Carrot Puree By Avent Steam and Blender


As what I mention in my last post before, baby Armand now is 6month! yeay! So mommy dah dapatkan Avent Steam and Blender sponsor by beloved hubby (tq bee..) and we start for 1st recipe. Carrot Puree (",)

Avent steam and Blender actually ada provide Recipe Book sekali in the box.. So bolehla masak selalu for baby Armand nanti. 

Avent Steam Blender

Recipe Book!

Okeh, nak buat Carrot Puree sangat mudah! What you need is:

  • 250g Potato (ni untuk ganti nasi..western gitu!)
  • 180g Carrot
  • 150ml air
1st, potato and carrot ni dipotong kecik- kecik. 
2nd, Steam with 150mlm air
3rd, Blend it! Kalau nak betul- betul cair, blend lama sikit

Easy kan? That's why I love this blender.. Selamat Mencuba!

Carrot di "steam" kan. If nak blend, just turn to the opposite side

Carrot Puree ...DONE!

Happy Eating! Since I don't have Bumbo Seat, so I put baby Armand in the Fisher Price Rocker..hihi

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