Armand Belajar Swimming!~ *Post by Daddy*

Hari ini Armand Hani Hadeef genap berusia 9 bulan!~ 

Sempena birthday Mommy on 9th June yang lepas, daddy bawa holiday ke Crown Hotel (previously known as Riverside Majestic Hotel) <- tak jauh pun. Dalam Kuching gak =p

We bought babies swimming accessories for Armand at Penang.. Masa tu ada baby fair, so beli kat situ je lah.. Attached is the video, Armand happy swimming!~ (baru berusia 6 bulan pada ketika ini)

Starting to teach the baby to swim has many advantages . It increases muscle tone, , bone development and even IQ ! Most importantly it might help the child to save their own lives or others in the future .
Best of luck on your babies .
And remember … its never too late to teach your child on how to swim”


Meat puree


Fuh! Banyak giler delay post yang tak ter'post-post. Hopefully Daddy happy lepas ni and tak komplen hehehe.

Alright, first of all just nak check and review apa yang Armand dah makan

Chicken (checked!) - Favourite
Fish (checked!) - Salmon not really his fav food
Meat - (not yet!)

So today nak share new recipe. Simple recipe and just take s about 20min only! seriously sangat senang + mudah.

What you need is:
  • Beef / lamb/ meat
  • Pumpkin
  • Potato
  • Broccoli (option)
  • Rosemary (option)
  • 200ml air
Bahan- bahan nya

How to prepare:
  1. Potong daging, pumpkin and potato dalam bentuk dadu . Not really dadu la. As long as kecik- kecik untuk senang di blend
  2. Masukkan bahan dalam bekas blender (orang panggil bekas kan? ala..yang tempat untuk letak makanan untuk di-blend)
  3. Steam kan in 20min with 200ml air
  4. Turn to other side, letak serbuk rosemary sedikit
  5. Blend!
  6. SIAP =))
  7. Boleh simpan dalam babycubes and letak dalam freezer

Left: Meat Puree
Right: Vege Puree

while waiting for mom prepare the food, lil Armand busy explore his new toy. Yes, I love buy new toy for him.  Maybe certain people will said he still young. No need a lot of toys. But for me, this is for his development. Different people different opinion (i guess!)

Anyway, Happy cooking mom! Sangat simple and easy with Avent Steam Blender..hihi

Armand celebrate Ramadhan for 1st time =)

Assalamualaikum pembaca Mommyarmand!

Armand Hani Hadeef 


Selamat Berpuasa (Ramadhan 1433H). 

Semoga amal ibadah tahun ini diterima oleh-Nya

 Jangan ponteng puasa ok? (",)

Salmon Puree..Armand 1st Fish Meal


Assalamualaikum..agak lama rasanya dah tak update blog. Cik letrik @ HH @ My Hubby pun dah sound *seriously last 2 days he keep asking me..update blog haha!*

Okeyh, I just straight forward for my not really new but still new recipe. Menu ni is the 1st Fish Meal for Lil Armand. Ayam dah makan (checked!), so I try ikan plak. Ikan plak, daddy choose Salmon (daddy berlagak hihi). Daddy choose sebab its his fav food. Mommy just makan if pergi sushi king or Yukimi Sushi belakang E-mart tu jer. For me, salmon tak sedap but YES! Omega 3 inside the salmon sangat baik utk body (but I still tak suka huhu)

This recipe I get from Dr. Halina website. Actually she get from Annabel Karmel website. What you need is

 Salmon, Pumpkin, Broccoli

+ fresh milk Dutch Lady
  • Salmon (omega 3 and 6 )
  • Pumpkin (vitamin A and E)
  • Broccoli (beta-carotine)
  • Milk (calcium)
How to prepare the food?
  1. Panaskan minyak..I use Olive Oil for Armand food. Beli yang biasa jer. Not Extra Olive Oil. RM20+ 1 bottle
  2. Then masukkan pumpkin, salmon and broccoli. Gaul- gaul sikit
  3. Then masukkan fresh milk. I use Dutch Lady yang kecik for toddler tu. According to Annabel Karmel, boleh guna breastmilk. But since Dr. Halina use Dutch Lady, I follow her =p
  4. Then boil, cover and simmer.
  5. Make sure ikan tu masak. U boleh try amek sikit and rasa 
  6. Lastly transfer to Avent Steam Blender or any food processor yang u ada, masuk sikit cheddar cheese or apa- apa cheese yang u ada and blend! Easy
Boil it!

  • makanan ni creamy- creamy ala- ala carbonara punya taste
  • This menu can divide into 4-5 portion
  • Daddy dah makan 1 portion (huahua!)
  • Armand just makan 2 portion...Armand not really like creamy food (i guess!) But I will try again. Maybe kurangkan sikit susu =)
Muka not really happy seperti biasa..Maybe he follow his mommy. Tak suka makan salmon =p

Selamat Mencuba! =))


Apple Puree


This is just a simple recipe for beginner hehe. What u need just an apple and 50ml water

Caranya sangat simple if u using Avent Steam and Blender (promote lagi =p)

  1. 1 biji apple d steam with 50ml air..
  2. If using Avent Steam and Blender ni, dia akan berbunyi sendiri if apple dah masak.
  3. Then turn the jar and blend. Easy!
  4. Pastu simpan dalam Babycubes and put inside the freezer =)
* I use Apple Merah...beli yang New Zealend punya. If beli di The Spring, yang harga RM8.50 untuk 6 biji epal*

 Apple Puree is ready!

Kemas and senang nak disimpan dan dibekalkan kepada babysitter hihi

Wassalam =)

Armand non-stop crying *worry*


Dah lama rasanya tak menulis @ mem'blog'ing. Ground Truthing visit sangat banyak bulan ni. And I'm really tired! *actually sendiri yang nak settle semua site visit before puasa huahua*. Btw, Yes, I'm Environmentalist. Working as Environment Control Officer =)

So sepanjang out-station to Miri, Sibu and Bintulu, Daddy Armand la yang kene jaga *Thanks Bee!*..Alhamdulillah semua ok. Daddy menjalankan tugas dengan baik.

But last 2 weeks. On 11th July is the MOST WORRIES day in my mommy-life. Lil Armand non- stop crying, suhu badan kat rumah masa tu 38.2 celcius (I have Baby thermometer). Seriously Armand is very good boy. Never got fever after injection setiap bulan. Syukur. Demam yang dia pernah ada just Demam kuning on 7th day after he born.

So we decide to bring him to Normah Medical Centre and luckily doctor in-charge dat night is Dr. Paed...Dr. George (Clinic d Normah ni bertukar- tukar doctor. Bukan fix doctor). At Normah's clinic, suhu naik plak...38.9. Huwa! semakin tinggi *worry*

Lil Armand..Steady jumpe doctor. Automaticly he stop cry jumpe doctor..*muka eksyen giler!* hihi

Check punya check...Weeeee....Gusi bengkak. Lil boy nak tumbuh gigi rupa- rupanya..

Then after 2 days, barulah nampak gigi dia keluar. But sangat surprise, gigi yang tumbuh is GIGI GRAHAM. No wonder baby demam. Doctor pun terkejut and he said this kadang- kadang and jarang- jarang cases. So now I'm happy, lil boy should be happy to dah ada gigi hihihi

Wassalam =)

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